Guns Magazine 2013

We were featured in Guns Magazine!


“The Talbot mount is by far the best return to zero, quick-detachable mount …”

For more information visit Guns Magazine online.

Guns Magazine 2012

We were featured in Guns Magazine!


“This mount was both easy and extremely fast to dismount and remount … why did [Talbot QD Mounts] post much better results?”

For more information visit Guns Magazine online.

Guns Magazine 2007

We were featured in Guns Magazine!


“The Talbot mount detaches the scope in less than a second and reinstalls it in about 3 seconds. More importantly, it returns the optic to the exact same zero.”

Accurate Rifle 2001

We were featured in Accurate Rifle!


“Talbot QD Split Second Mounts … are extremely high quality in material and execution of design, which qualifies them in the first teir of sniper rifle components … my tests reveal the mounts, slide and rings are made of high quality materials, are extremely well made and always return the rifle to zero after removing and replacing the scope between shots.”

Tactical Shooter 2000

We were featured in Tactical Shooter!


“Al Talbot’s “Split Second” QD Mount solves each of the problems I see in QD mounts on the market today, and it solves all needs that I would personally want in such a mount. I can detach the scope in milliseconds, and I can change scopes out in about three seconds. Stress is in the axial plane, and the scope truly does return to zero.”

Sniper’s Paradise 1999

We were featured on Sniper’s Paradise!


“Our test results were excellent. Groups repeatedly impacted in the same location. The average shot to shot and group to group deviation was nothing more than the standard difference expected. Things like the slight change in cheek weld from group to group and variations in each round fired were about all we saw. Every time we pulled off a scope and re-mounted it, the impact was the same. The time required to change scopes proved to take less than five seconds and is very simple. These mounts proved to us they work!”

Varmint Hunter 1997

We were featured in Varmint Hunter Issue 22!


“These mounts are heavy duty and allow the shooter to change scopes in about three seconds. I timed it, and it’s about the quickest, slickest QD mount ever. Not only is it fast, but the Talbot scope mount returns to absolute zero every time. Scope removal and replacement is almost instantaneous and return to zero is exact.”